2021-2023 Diocesan Women’s Ministries Board
President: Sunny Walker: smwdok@aol.com
Vice President: (position is open)
Secretary: Brenda Rindge: dce@oldstandrews.org
Treasurer: The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina (Contact Karen Rothenbeger)
Registrar: Mary Kauser : marykauser@gmail.com
Communications: Janet Stoda: Janet@saintmatthews.us
Spiritual Life: (position is open)
Hospitality: Nell Stone: nell_stone@yahoo.com
Praise and Glory: Dab Dent dabdent54@gmail.com
Diocesan Periodic Club: (position is open)
About our President
Bishop Mark Lawrence installed Sunny Walker as the new President of the Board of the ADOSC, along with the additional members of the board, at the Spring meeting April 24, 2021. For many, Sunny will need no introduction. She grew up in this diocese. She graduated from Presbyterian College with two degrees (Elementary Education and Music.) She has served in various ministries within the diocese: Cursillo (Diocesan Secretary, Weekend Lay Rector- #140, and Ultreya Lay Rector), The Daughters of the King (Diocesan Historian and Chapter Secretary), Faith Alive (Children’s Coordinator). In the churches in which she’s been a member, Sunny has served in various ministries including music ministry, lay reading / chalice bearing, Mission Council, Stephen Ministry, the Younger Episcopal Adults, and Youth Ministry. Sunny has been a Special Education teacher for 29 years and is currently teaching in downtown Charleston. She currently attends Church of the Resurrection in North Charleston.