Order of St. Vincent

Order of St. Vincent

The International Order of St. Vincent

International Order of Saint Vincent is a world-wide fellowship of lay ministers serving in the western branches of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.  We are men, women, boys, and girls serving as Acolytes, Altar Guild (Sacristans), Bell Ringers, Chalicists, Choristers, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Lay readers, Lectors, Vergers, Ushers and Greeters.
We have been called to serve our Lord and seek a closer relationship with Him, strengthened through obedience to the Rules of the Order and by adherence to the Order’s Purpose and Objects.  We encourage the formation of chapters for support, fellowship, and mentoring.
We encourage members to deepen their knowledge of ritual, liturgy, and worship and pray that all lay ministers will consider their calling a holy vocation.  We follow a rule of life that includes daily prayer, reading of Scriptures, regular attendance at worship, and more careful preparation for the reception of the sacraments.
Mr. Philip G. Dixon, OSV, Director General
PO Box 1245
Summerville, SC 29484
(843) 442-1288
