
The Revd Hunter Jordan

Bishop Chip Edgar has called the Revd Hunter Jordan to serve part-time on the Diocesan staff as an Archdeacon, beginning February 1.

“I’m looking forward to having Hunter help with

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Bishop Edgar with Video arrow

In 2020, when COVID struck, I had an unusual experience. For the first time in my life, I experienced what a lot of Americans experience: anxiety. I’m

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Chelsea Hamshaw

The following is a note from Chelsea Hamshaw on the release of her CD, “Pilgrim, Press On.”

I didn’t set out to write an album. It wasn’t on my mind

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Bill Read with men on assistance trip in Arden, NC

November 5: What had originally been scheduled as a fall Diocesan Men’s Hike was transformed, this past month, into a Hurricane Helene Assistance trip. Seventeen men from 11 different

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Samaritan's Purse removing tree from house Hurricane Helene

Diocesan Coordination

Stephen Haynsworth, who serves as our Diocesan Disaster Relief Coordinator, is organizing relief efforts from our Diocese for ARDF. We are working closely with ARDF to maximize our

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The Rev. Canon Laura Bowman

A Jubilate Deo Interview with the Rev. Canon Laura Bowman, Canon for Safe Churches


Laura, tell us a bit about your background and how it fits with your role as

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Steve Wood following Election as Archbishop

Latrobe, Pennsylvania – The College of Bishops of the Anglican Church in North America has elected its next archbishop, the Rt. Rev. Steve Wood, bishop of the Diocese of

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Bishop Chip Edgar

May 29, 2024

Brothers and Sisters of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina,

Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who

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Cindy Larsen with young friends in Uganda

In early August of this year, the Rev. Cindy Larsen will travel to Uganda to represent the ADOSC at the consecration of the new Bishop in the Bunyoro-Kitara Diocese.

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Land for Camp Jubilee

Camp Jubilee is celebrating passing the $2M mark for pledges and donations towards our $3.8M goal. So far over 228 donors, including 17 parishes, have generously given of their

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