We are an Order women committed to making disciples and serving Jesus through our Rule of Life: prayers, service, study and evangelism.
We have committed our lives to the work and service of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray daily for our church, it’s clergy, the Order and others in need. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we reach out to those who do not know Jesus and share His message of salvation through word and deed. We equip ourselves with the powerful sword of truth as contained in the Holy Bible. We wear our cross as a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice and our need for Him to be in our daily lives and we become encouraged and strengthened in community with our sisters.
You may join the Order as an individual or chapters may join. Chapter membership may involve women from several churches (minimum of three women).
If you have questions about our order you may contact one of the women listed below or visit the website of the Daughters of the Holy Cross.
Sally Dixon
St. John’s Parish Church
Johns Island, SC
Becky Owens
The Church of the Cross
Bluffton, SC
Anne Walton
Church of the Holy Comforter
Sumter, SC