Welcome to our Virtual Annual Gathering of Women!
We’re so glad you’re here for our first-ever Annual Gathering of Women done virtually. To get the most out of the day, please begin with the welcome message from our President, Patricia Smith, then watch the videos on “Biblical Hospitality from the Heart of a Southern Celebrator” with Beth Snyder. Be sure to take a break after the first video to give yourself time for prayerful reflection to answer the questions posed in part one. Then continue on to part two. After that the day continues with a teaching on “Mentoring” with Jayne Gurley.
Time for Quiet Reflection and Prayer
Using a journal, (or piece of paper) reflect on and pray through the following questions. If you’re viewing the talks with others (even at a distance), discuss your answers.
- Have I been in the wilderness/stream during this quarantine?
- What things have been stripped away from me during this quarantine?
- What new rhythms have I discovered during this season?
- Where have I seen the Lord blessing me in this season?
- How can I respond to the Lord’s prompting on my heart today?
- Thank the Lord! For he is good… His mercies are new every morning. Write down all the ways the Lord has blessed you in this season.
Time for Quiet Reflection and Prayer
Using a journal, (or piece of paper) reflect on and pray through the following questions. If you’re viewing the talks with others (even at a distance), discuss your answers.
- Romans 12:13 says, “Take every opportunity to open your life and home to others.” Has the Lord brought to mind a time when you had the opportunity and didn’t heed His call? (Be gentle with yourself—and ask for forgiveness. Our God is the God of second chances and wide broad shoulders!)
- Which of these three characteristics of Jesus’ life “pricked” your heart as you listened?
• Being willing to be interrupted/inconvenienced
• Sacrificing for the sake of others
• Seeing people the way Jesus does/putting on those “holy spirit glasses” - Reflect on the “I have to/I get to” teaching. Write down a specific time when you said “I have to…” Now, change the words to “I get to …” See if this is a heart-changer for you, too!
- Can you think of specific ways you have built a fence—around your heart, home, church or family. Ask the Lord to show you how to take down the fences you have built, and craft them into tables of welcome.
- Who Are Your People? Ask the Lord to show you right now, who he has asked you to serve. Here’s a prayer to help you ask Him: “Lord, who are your people in my life that you are asking me to serve? Show them to me right now. Give me the patience to love them the way that you do. Give me the courage to serve them the way that you do. Give me the strength to walk in obedience and in your service—AMEN!”
- Think of one way you can love your neighbor as yourself today – and do it! I’m (Beth) praying for you!
Neighboring Video referenced in Beth’s Talk
How are we loving our neighbors during this time of quarantine?
Beth’s “Library Card” Book Recommendations
Just Open the Door by Jen Schmidt
The Turquoise Table by Kristin Schell
The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield
The Art of Neighboring by Dave Runyon