Bishop Chip Edgar has called the Revd Hunter Jordan to serve part-time on the Diocesan staff as an Archdeacon, beginning February 1.
“I’m looking forward to having Hunter help with oversight, planning, as well as counsel on logistics and creative problem solving,” said Bishop Edgar. “I trust this new structure will be a blessing to our whole diocese.” Look for more about this new development in the upcoming Jubilate Deo.
Hunter grew up in Florence, SC. He attended Clemson University, where he earned a degree in Business Management and served as a Young Life leader, while spending his summers at Camp St. Christopher. He married his wife, Walker, and served as family pastor at Trinity, Myrtle Beach.
He attended Nashotah House Theological Seminary, receiving an MDiv; he then served as Rector of St. Matthew’s, Darlington. After a season of establishing and supporting Campus ministries in the South with the Coalition for Christian Outreach, Hunter returned to parish ministry as the Associate Rector at St. Helena’s Anglican Church in Beaufort, SC. As he takes on this new role of part-time Archdeacon for the Diocese, Hunter will continue his ministry as the Associate Rector at St. Helena.
Hunter and Walker live in Beaufort with their three children, Tindall Claire, Emma Ruth, and Walter. He enjoys cooking, hiking, hunting, and fly-fishing in his “free time.” He is excited about this new role and opportunity to support the work of the Diocese and individual churches.