Declaration of Intent

July 30, 2024

To:  All Congregations

Attached is the 2025 Declaration of Intent form for your congregation’s pledge to the support of the program of the Diocese.  Diocesan Canon XXXII requires its return on or before the 15th of December.  Vestries may adopt budgets and need not wait until January congregational meetings to make them official.  Alternatively, vestries may adopt this portion of the budget to meet the December 15th due date even if the rest of the budgeting may not yet be completed.

Please return this form even if your congregation is not making a pledge.  The information is needed for statistical and planning purposes.

Net Disposable Budget Income (NDBI) shall consist of all undesignated plate and pledge offerings plus all other unrestricted income (including investment and endowment income) but shall not include any income received as aid from the Diocese.

The 10-10-10 solution remains in effect in this diocese. That is, the standard of individual giving to the church is 10%, giving from the church to the diocese is 10%, and giving from the diocese to ministry beyond ourselves is 10%.

For your information, the 2024 Anglican Diocese of South Carolina Budget and 2025 Declaration of Intent Form are available under the Resources tab on our website at



Karen Rothenberger
Assistant Treasurer
Diocesan Administrator
Direct: (843) 628-2356
