Basic Christian Theology

The Rev. Dr. Kendall HarmonBeginning on April 4, 2018 and for the following six Wednesdays, the Diocese of South Carolina is offering a course on Basic Christian Theology taught by Canon Theologian Dr. Kendall Harmon with Bishop Mark Lawrence and others. The first five classes are being held at St. Philip’s Church, Charleston, and the last two will be held at St. Michael’s Church, Charleston.

Though there is no charge for the class, participants are asked to register and obtain the book, Know the Truth: A Handbook of Christian Belief, by Bruce Milne. There will not be copies of the book available for purchase at the class. You may purchase the book through Christian Booksellers or

Participants are asked to bring the Milne book and their own Bible to each session. There will be reading assignments as well as a minimum of course work to be completed.

Teaching Resources for Session 1 – Authority and Revelation

Audio File: Session 1 Talk: Authority and Revelation, The Rev. Dr. Kendall Harmon (Note this file includes and introduction to the class)

Session 1 Outline

Session 1 Powerpoint

Session 1 Handout

Two resources mentioned in the first class were the ACNA catechism and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Teaching Resources for Session 2 – The Holy Trinity

Audio File: Session 2: The Holy Trinity, The Rev. Dr. Kendall Harmon
(There has been a delay in obtaining the audio file for session 2. We expect to post it  Wednesday, April 18.)

Session 2 Outline

Session 2 Handouts:
Gregory of Nyssa on the Holy Trinity
Trinity from the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church

Teaching Resources for Session 3 – The Person and Work of Jesus Christ

Audio File: Session 3: The Person and Work of Jesus Christ, The Rev. Dr. Kendall Harmon

Session 3 Outline

Session 3 Handout

Teaching Resources for Session 4 – The Nature of Human Beings

Audio File: Session 4: The Nature of Human Beings; The Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence

Session 4 Outline

Session 4 Handout: Quotations

Teaching Resources for Session 5 – The Christian Life

Audio File: Session 5: The Christian Life; The Rev. Dr. Kendall S. Harmon

Session 5: Outline

Session 5 Handout: Documentation

Teaching Resources for Session 6 – The Church

Audio File: Session 6: The Church; The Rev. Al Zadig

Session 6 Outline

Session 6 Talk Manuscript

Session 6 Resource Handout

Teaching Resources for Session 7 – Eschatology, or the Last Things

Audio File: Session 7: The Last Things; The Rev. Dr. Kendall S. Harmon

Session 7 Outline

Session 7 Handout

Format for the Class

The format will be to have a teaching from 7 to 8 pm (after which people who need to leave may do so), with an open Question and Answer session to follow for those who wish to stay from 8 to 8:30 p.m.

The class will cover the following topics in order:

  • Authority and Revelation
  • The Holy Trinity
  • The Person and Work of Jesus Christ
  • The Nature of Human Beings
  • The Christian Life
  • The Church
  • Eschatology, or the Last Things

The readings for each class are as follows:

April 4: Authority and Revelation (St. Philip’s, Harmon)
Reading: Milne, Part 1

April 11: The Holy Trinity (St. Philip’s, Harmon)
Reading: Milne, Part 2 

April 18: The Person and Work of Jesus Christ  (St. Philip’s, Harmon)
Reading: Milne, Part 4 

April 25: The Nature of Human Beings (St. Philip’s, Bishop Lawrence)
Reading: Milne, Part 3

May 2: The Christian Life (St. Philip’s, Harmon)
Reading: Milne, Part 5

May 9: The Church (St. Michael’s, Zadig)
Reading:  Milne, Part 6

May 16: Eschatology, or the Last Things (St. Michael’s, Harmon)
Reading: Milne, Part 7

A note from St. Philip’s:

St. Philip’s Church is delighted to host the first five sessions of Basic Christian Theology with Canon Theologian Dr. Kendall Harmon. We would like to extend an invitation to all those registered for this class to attend St. Philip’s Wednesdays Alive! service and supper, which takes place before the course begins. An informal, “come as you are” service of Rite II Communion, prayer and praise begins at 5:30 p.m. in the church. Nursery is available for ages 3 and under. Prayer stations are available during the service for those seeking God’s blessing and intercession, and the service will be followed by supper in the Parish Hall (supper is buffet style, free will offering). Dinner begins at approximately 6:15 p.m.

The Basic Christian Theology class will take place in the Parish Hall, which is located on the 2nd floor of the Parish House (elevator is available). The most convenient  parking garage for the evening is located on the northwest corner of Church and Cumberland Streets. Please see campus map below for details.

We look forward to welcome our brothers and sisters from around the Diocese!
