Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Preparedness

Have You Begun Hurricane Preparations?


Deacon Ed Rosenlieb our former Diocesan Disaster Coordinator created the following list of items for a hurricane prepardness kit. He begins with a list of items needed – at minimum – for an at-home supply kit:

  • Two flashlights
  • A battery operated radio
  • Six extra sets of batteries
  • A cooler and freezer packs to keep food cold
  • Candles, matches, and lighter. Some of us have old kerosene lanterns to supplement the lighting need
  • Fire extinguisher and a back-up box of baking soda.
  • A two-week supply of prescription medicines
  • For infants: two weeks of diapers, formula, bottles
  • An updated medicine kit (aspirin, antacids, iodine, bandages, antibacterial ointment, insect repellant, scissors, tape)
  • A first aid kit to include a first aid book.
  • A tarp
  • Towels (three per person)
  • Camera with batteries
  • Camp stove or grill with fuel or charcoal grill, charcoal and starter
  • Kitchen utensils, old pans (for camp stove or grill), plastic knives, forks, and spoons, a hand can opener and bottle opener.
  • Cell phone (with battery charger)
  • 14 days worth of drinking water per person.
  • Plan to fill your bath tubs with water for bathing and flushing needs
  • A water purification kit (You can purchase at camping supply stores)
  • 14 days worth of nonperishable foods in cans or sealed containers.
  • A box of large plastic trash bags.
  • A box of locking top, one gallon plastic bags. (handy for storing important papers and documents)
  • Duct tape


