Church Finances During a Pandemic

Church Finances During a Pandemic – Remember to ASK

By The Rev. Michael Ridgill, Stewardship Team Leader, The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina


COVID 19 has changed the financial landscape of churches and houses of worship everywhere.

To use a familiar metaphor, we have moved from the initial shock and response one would give to a blizzard to recognizing that we are in a long winter of and may even need to prepare for a little ice age while praying for less.

There are several responses that every church needs to address in this new season. Finances will drop and expenses will continue. If your church doesn’t address these now, you will regret it later.

Cannon Dave Roseberry through Anglican Compass has prepared several resources that I highly recommend. One is linked below on Stewardship in the Age of the Coronavirus. Also the Anglican Diocese of the South has an excellent resource on Online giving. To borrow from David Roseberry, now is the time to

A: Acknowledge the Crisis created by COVID 19 and
S: Share (unashamedly) the need your church has for financial support of its mission and ministry and
K: Know that it is a hard time for everyone with the health and economic challenges.

Your congregations want the ministry of the church to continue, A.S.K. them to help and give them resources. I hope these links will help you prepare for the season that we have found ourselves in while acknowledging that our hope is in the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.

Stewardship in the Age of the Coronavirus By Dave Roseberry

Electronic Giving Options and How to Provide Them Resource from the ADOS
