Man in prayer at service

A Petition for Sunday Prayers

Gracious God, every morning your mercies are new, and your faithfulness is great. Pour out your Holy Spirit on us, comfort us in our losses,

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Columbia, S.C. (April 20, 2022)  – Today the South Carolina Supreme Court released it’s ruling on the appeal of Judge Edgar W. Dickson’s interpretation of the high court’s 2017 opinions, affirming

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Bishop Chip Edgar

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Grace and peace to you, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, (April 20, 2022) the Supreme Court of South Carolina Read more..

Dr. Wilson receives Palmetto Award from Bishop Lawrence

Recognized for Biblical Counseling and Other Significant Ministries 

Dr. Janie D. Wilson, founder, and president of the Peninsula Biblical Counseling Ministries (PBCM) was presented with the state’s highest award, The

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Bishop Edgar kneeling before Archbishop Beach

Just a few days after Bishop Chip Edgar’s consecration as Bishop of The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, I sat down with him for a chat about the experience.

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Bishop Edgar with Bishops at consecration

The Rt Revd Chip Edgar was consecrated Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina at a festive service held at the Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St.

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Lawrence addresses Convention

Lawrence Thanks Diocese in Final Convention Address

In his final address to the Convention of The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, Bishop Mark Lawrence thanked various groups for their partnership

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The Rev. Floyd Finch

Please keep the family and loved ones of the Rev. Floyd Finch in your prayers. Floyd died on Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Floyd was ordained to the priesthood

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The Very Rev. Ken Weldon

Bishop Mark Lawrence has, upon the unanimous recommendation of the search committee, called the Very Rev. Ken Weldon to serve as the next Executive Director of St. Christopher Camp

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May 4, 1944 – February 15, 2022

Please keep the family and loved ones of the Rev. Linda Manuel

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