Giving Thanks for the Ministries of Dave Wright and Peter Rothermel

Dave Wright & Peter Rothermel

As we transition to a season where the coordination of diocesan ministries is carried out by canons rather than full-time ministry staff, we want to take time to honor our two ministry coordinators, Peter Rothermel and Dave Wright for the exceptional ways they have served on our Diocesan Staff. Please keep these two men and their families in prayer as they enter the next season to which they are called.

Dave Wright, Coordinator for Youth Ministry

Dave Wright, who joined the Staff in August 2001, has distinguished himself in serving this diocese as our Youth Ministry Coordinator.

“We owe Dave Wright a tremendous debt of gratitude as a Diocese for his faithful service, but I owe him an even greater and more personal debt,” says the Rev. Justin Hare, who serves as the Assistant for Young Adult and College Ministry at St. Philip’s Church in Charleston. “I had the unique experience of being under Dave’s tenure both as a student in our Diocesan Youth Ministry and as a youth minister in our Diocese. Many well-known names in our diocese today – Will Klauber, Melissa Bennett, Peter Rothermel, and Dave Wright – all were used by God in my youth to form my faith. But it was Dave in particular, through the Diocesan Youth Ministry Apprenticeship Program which he developed and led, with whom I first began to discern God’s call on my life as a minister of the Gospel. I will be forever grateful to God for Dave, not only for this, but also for his insight, encouragement, and care for me as a young minister. I am confident that the Lord will continue to use Dave in mighty ways for His Kingdom in the days ahead.”

Dave drew youth ministers together once a month for a time to talk, share scriptures, pray for one another and share a meal. “These gatherings are a source of strength and refuge for youth pastors,” said David Gilbert, youth minister at St. Philip’s Church, Charleston. “We often feel alone, and hearing other souls share their struggles and joys gives us hope.”

Dave is a veteran of decades of student ministry, having worked for churches in the Chicago suburbs and Cheshire England before coming to South Carolina. His work included networking, training, mentoring, and coaching student ministry leaders. Dave has served as a resource to churches seeking to develop ministries to younger generations. He also oversaw Diocesan youth events and represented the interests of young people on various boards and committees in the Diocese. Over the years he has written a vast number of articles published in youth ministry magazines as well as on blogs, including “The Gospel Coalition.” He has trained youth leaders all over the USA and in Canada, as well as in England and Ireland.

Dave has carried out faithful service under three different bishops. Through times when our world desired and applauded student ministry, as well as seasons when he was nearly the lone voice of promoting biblical ministry to students, he has diligently worked inside and outside of our Diocese with other churches, provinces, and organizations. In addition, he has faithfully loved and cared for the youth ministers at our churches.

He will be sorely missed, and following his effective ministry, Bishop Edgar and this Diocese remain committed to being the leader in youth ministry for the ACNA.

Dave is married to Jane, a middle school teacher in Summerville. They have three young adult children, all married, and three grandsons. They worship with Good Samaritan Church.

Peter Rothermel, Coordinator for Christian Faith Formation

Peter Rothermel, who joined the Staff in September 2004, has distinguished himself in serving this diocese as our Christian Faith Formation/Family Ministries Coordinator.

“Peter Rothermel is a man who is passionate, tender-hearted and laser-focused on the Lord and His Word,” says Catherine Jacobs, President of Pass the Legacy Ministries. “Peter has never strayed from his mission of leading children and families into a close relationship with the Lord. Early in his work, he shifted the focus of Children’s Ministry to Family Ministry, recognizing that faith formation begins in the home.

“Peter’s ministry did not stop with parents. A few years into his work, Peter caught the Biblical vision of multi-generational faithfulness. Based on Psalm 78, grandparents became a growing part of his focus as he pioneered an anti-cultural mindset that grandparents are ‘to tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord.’ Under Peter’s tireless leadership, Grand Camp became a foundational piece of grandparenting ministry in our Diocese as well as a role-model to other camps across America. Blazing a deep trail, Peter leaves a powerful legacy. He has touched the hearts of countless people, young and old. He will be greatly missed.”

In addition to his work with children and families, Peter served as a liaison with our Diocesan Women’s Ministries and Men’s Ministries. Peter was involved in bringing Jay Crouse, who oversees Diocesan Men’s Ministries to our diocese.

“Peter invited me to consider moving to the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina,” said Crouse. “He, along with Peter Moore were my sponsors to Bishop Lawrence, for his approval to move from Sarasota, FL to Charleston to serve as the Coordinator for men’s ministry. Peter’s proactive advocacy for men’s ministry opened many doors for me which helped me advance the growth of men’s ministry throughout the diocese. He and I became 2X2 partners.”

The vision Peter has focused on is restoring relationships to biblical order through the transforming power of Jesus Christ. He worked with parish leaders, both clergy and laity, to develop relationships, provide resources, and offer events which assisted in making disciples, equipping saints for ministry, and building up the body of Christ for the work of the Gospel.

Peter and his wife Jackie live on James Island and attend St. Michael’s Church. They have two adult children, one daughter-in-law and a grandchild. Breezy lives in CA, and son Peter and his family live in Texas.
