Church Planting Residency Program

Our Next Church Planting Residency Begins FALL of 2024

Jesus did not just talk about ministry ideas with His disciples.

He trained His disciples for ministry.

That is the heart behind our new ADOSC Church Planting Residency. This 12-18 month Residency will help train individuals and teams for the work of church planting in our diocese and beyond. Here are a few logistical details:

  • Residency is open to both Clergy and Laity.
  • Meetings will take place two evenings per month with a mix of virtual and in-person gatherings.
  • Curriculum will include Assessment, Calling, Training and Practical Application for the planter’s specific ministry context.

If you are interested in learning more about and applying for our Residency program, click the link below.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about the Residency (or anything else related to Church Planting), please contact me, the Rev. Todd Simonis, Diocesan Canon for Church Planting at or 843.522.1712.

Here is what our 2022 Resident, Justin Johnson, had to say about his experience:

Justin Johnson“Having the opportunity to participate in the Church Planting Residency has grown me, and the ministry I am called to, in so many ways. Todd’s leadership throughout the residency taught me to understand and prioritize the conviction behind why we do the ministry. His mentorship also helped me to distill and understand my own personal conviction and calling, allowing me to more fully step into where the Lord is calling me.

In addition to learning how to lead with the ‘Why’ (Conviction), I grew in my understanding of how to develop a healthy culture within a ministry team and how to set up proper systems to help that ministry flourish. I also left having built a large support network locally, across the diocese, and within the wider province. Participating in the Church Planting Residency has helped me to become a stronger follower of Jesus and a better shepherd of his people which in return has blessed the ministry he has called me to.”
