This article was originally shared December 2019.
The Bible is full of verses urging us to give God praise and glory because He alone deserves it. This act of humble gratitude is fundamental to our Christian walk. It gets the focus off ourselves and onto the One from whom all blessings flow. Giving becomes a sacramental act of worship when offerings to advance the Kingdom of God flow out of a thankful heart.
The Anglican Women of our diocese introduced “Praise & Glory” jars in 2012 as an intergenerational way to teach and practice generosity. It’s so simple, even a small child can participate! Simply take a jar and set it somewhere visible, whether on a windowsill or where you charge your phone. When you see the jar, count your blessings, drop some change into it, and, “Sing praises to the glory of God’s name.” (Ps. 66:2 CEB) An ingathering of all jars across the diocese takes place after Easter, and all funds are distributed to a ministry voted on the previous year at the Anglican Women’s Conference.
The current collection will go to St. Alban’s Chapel at the Citadel where Anglican Chaplain Rob Sturdy ministers to the Corps of Cadets. Sturdy had a life changing experience after entering the Citadel in the fall of 1999. The angry young atheist encountered Jesus during the boot camp phase of his freshman year. His conversion radically changed the trajectory of his life. After graduating—and with a recommendation from St. Alban’s Chapel—Sturdy trained for ministry at Oxford University. He returned to the Citadel in 2017 to offer young cadets the spiritual guidance he had received there. Since St. Alban’s relies solely on the prayers and contributions of students, alumni and friends to carry out the ministry, all Praise & Glory funds will go toward keeping the life-giving hope and encouragement of the Gospel shining from St. Alban’s Chapel.
By Libussa Huge, St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Summerville