Our Missionary to East Asia

The Rev. Tabitha Wang

Charleston, June 19, 2023 – Did you know that The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina has a missionary in East Asia? That’s right, The Rev. Dr. Tabitha Wang has been and continues to be our missionary in partnership with the International Chinese Discipleship Training Services (ICDTS) of Youth With A Mission (YWAM). Although St. Michael’s Church, Charleston, commissioned Tabitha on May 28 just days before she departed on her expected three year-long mission trip, Tabitha is no stranger to the mission field having shared the Gospel in East Asia since 1993. Most recently, her call focused on those in Mongolia and the Chinese diaspora throughout East Asia. Her orthodox teaching and faithful commitment to follow God’s call to mission ministry in foreign countries, recognized by Bishop Salmon who ordained her in 2003, and affirmed by both Bishops Lawrence and Edgar continue to mark Tabitha as one of our senior missionaries within the diocese. Please keep Tabitha in your prayers as she witnesses the Good News of Jesus Christ.
