Grace Anglican Parish will begin the Advent season in a new location. They’ve outgrown the Floyd Community Center. Their new location is 10373 Highway 90, Little River. This past Sunday (November 25) after lunch, they held a painting party to prepare their sanctuary for use. New locks, new carpet and a lighted sign come next. Keep them in prayer as they begin this new season. “There is so much to do,” says Vicar, Cindy Larsen, “but we will get there quickly. We are excited, busy and joyful!”
In a recent Facebook post, vicar Cindy Larsen gave the following update on the Grace Anglican Parish’s move to a new location.
“I give thanks that we have a new home for Grace Anglican Parish! We are so busy, but very glad to be moving into a larger space where we can worship freely, without renting by the hour for every purpose.
We have signed the lease and the electricity and water are on. The sign company is preparing proofs and a quote for our new sign. Volunteers are cleaning the space today and shampooing the carpet in the parish hall and other rooms.
Over the next ten days, members will paint and prepare the sanctuary for the installation of carpet. Then we will be able to bring the beautiful stone altar, pulpit, lectern, baptismal font, tabernacle, and other items out of storage to be set in our place of worship. May God be faithfully worshipped and glorified! May the Gospel be proclaimed and lived! May our new location be a launching pad for work in the Kingdom!
Let me know if you want to help with this transition. There is a way for every member and friend to be part of this exciting mission. Some can give their physical labor, others give financially, and many give their prayers. Let us all give thanks to Almighty God for Grace Anglican Parish!”
Grace Anglican Parish
P. O. Box 5372
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597
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