Diocese to Hold 2019 Annual Convention March 15-16

Clergy process during 227th Convention

Dave Runyon, author of The Art of Neighboring will speak at the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina’s 2019 Annual Diocesan Convention at Saint James Church in Charleston March 15-16. More than 400 delegates, clergy and guests representing 22,000 baptized members from across the eastern and coastal part of the state will attend the annual gathering.

Runyon, who helps faith, business, and government leaders unite around common causes in the Denver metro area is the Executive Director of CityUnite and works as a consultant for businesses who have a desire to make a positive impact in their communities. Dave helped to start a neighboring movement in 2010 that has now spread to over 3,000 churches around the country.

The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina’s Convention will kick off with a mini-conference on “The Art of Neighboring,” led by Runyon on morning of the 15th. Runyon will also lead a shorter workshop that afternoon and preach that evening.

The Diocese is offering a series of workshops the afternoon of March 15:

• Meet Your Neighbors: Culture & Contextualizing for Mission & Church Planting by The Rev. Canon Dr. Dan Alger

• Mission INSITE; Won’t You be My Neighbor? by the Rev. Gary Beson and the Rev. Tyler Prescott

• Representational Confession: A Tool for Healing Wounded Communities by The Rev. Dr. Russ Parker

• Leading Missionally – with Heart and Hands by The Rev. Canon Phil Ashey

• Neighboring: Love Where You Live by Pastor Dave Runyon (Note: This workshop is fully subscribed.)

Visitors are welcome to attend all events but must register ahead of time at https://adosc.org/news-events/convention/. There is no cost for the mini-conference, workshops or worship service.

On Saturday morning, March 16, Bishop Mark Lawrence, the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, will share his vision for the coming year as participants celebrate 228 years together as a Diocese. Progress reports will be given from ministry leaders, and delegates will vote for representatives to Diocesan offices as well as a Diocesan budget.

