The Rev. Jeremy Shelton Ordained a Transitional Deacon

The Rev. Jeremy Shelton processes prior to his ordination.

The Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, Bishop of South Carolina, ordained Jeremy Shelton to the transitional diaconate June 6, 2018 at Saint James Church in Charleston.  Jeremy, who has been called to serve as curate of St. Johns Parish Church, Johns Island, received his Masters of Divinity from Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA, on May 12.

It was a Spirit-filled service, with the Rev’d Arthur Jenkins preaching, giving Jeremy the charge of a deacon, “God will make you a deacon in this way: by the day to day study, prayer, serving, heartbreak, joy, living and dying with the people of St. John’s…The first call is to love.  The kind of love that only God can give.”

The music was rousing and inspiring.  Led by Chris Walchesky, Erin Cooley, and the Parish Choir of Saint James, the music was a wonderful and beautiful element of the worship.  The tone for the evening was set by the Introit, O Gladsome Light.  Jeremy said of the music, “Chris did such a wonderful job in leading the choir, and Erin’s singing was incredibly powerful.”

Jeremy is thankful for all of the people of St. Johns Parish Church, Saint James, and across the Diocese of South Carolina.  “I am humbled, honored, and blessed by this ordination service, and look forward to serving God and the people of St. Johns,” remarked Jeremy.  
