Convention Mini Conference & Workshops, March 15

Fence with "Art of Neighboring"

What if Jesus meant that we should love our actual neighbors?

When Jesus was asked to sum up everything into one command, he said to love God with everything we have and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Most of us have turned this simple idea of loving our neighbors into a nice saying, putting it on bumper stickers and refrigerator magnets and going on with our lives without actually putting it into practice.

What would happen if every follower of Jesus took the Great Commandment literally?

Join us Friday, March 15 from 10:30 a.m. – noon at St. James Church on James Island to hear Pastor Dave Runyon share his own testimony of how that idea of neighboring impacted his own walk with the Lord, and re-doubled his efforts to share what the Lord put on his heart with church and community leaders all across the country.

Let’s collectively have our hearts refreshed in the gospel and in Jesus’ commandment, trusting him to start a movement that will change our own lives, our neighborhoods and our diocese.

Who is Dave Runyon?

Dave serves as the Executive Director of CityUnite and as a consultant for businesses who have a desire to make a positive impact in their communities.Dave helped to start a neighboring movement in 2010 that has now spread to over 3,000 churches around the country. This experience prompted him to co-author The Art of Neighboring. He speaks locally and nationally encouraging leaders to collaborate for the good of their cities. Before founding CityUnite, Dave served as a pastor for 10 years. He graduated from Colorado State University. Dave and his wife, Lauren, have four children.

On Friday, March 15, in conjunction with the diocesan convention, the Diocese will offer a series of workshops focused on “Loving Our Neighbors.” Each workshop will be offered twice, from 1 – 2:15 p.m. and again from 2:45 – 4 p.m. in the Ministry Center at Saint James Church on James Island. Seating for the workshops, which are open to all, is limited. Register here.

Meet Your Neighbors: Understanding Your Culture & Contextualizing for Mission & Church Planting with The Rev Canon Dr. Dan Alger

Who is your neighbor? Where is your neighbor? What is your neighbor up to? How can you and your church reach your neighbor for Christ? In this workshop we’ll discuss the skills needed to learn and take meaning from your local culture and how to contextualize your church’s work of mission and church planting to reach the people where they are. We will dive deep into the physical, relational, spiritual, and ideological aspects of your culture. Then we’ll discuss a framework for developing a strategy to reach them that allows for both integrity to the Anglican tradition and effectiveness in mission.

The Rev Canon Dr. Dan Alger is the Canon for Church Planting for the Anglican Church in North America. He has been active in the work of Anglican church planting as a planter, coach, overseer, and friend for over 18 years. He is the co-host of the Always Forward Podcast and author of numerous articles. His doctoral work was on organizing Anglican dioceses for the work of church planting. He is married to Karen and they have two boys: Eli and Silas.

Representational Confession: A Tool for Healing Wounded Communities with The Rev. Dr. Russ Parker

Threaded throughout scripture are examples of people of faith taking ownership, without accusation, of the wounds of their communities and confessing them before God. The result has often been astounding moments when God has restored such broken communities so that they flourish under God’s grace once again. These people had discovered a tool for breaking through the gridlock that bound their communities. This tool is called Representational Confession and we will be exploring its dynamics and how to put them into practice for our churches and families and communities.

The Rev. Dr. Russ Parker, an ordained priest in the Church of England, is the Director of 2Restore: Healing Church Wounds which offers a range of resources in order to help churches resolve and heal their legacies of unhealed stories and their issues and move forward in a renewed ability to flourish as God intends. Russ is a founding member of the Fellowship of Christ the Healer (UK and USA) which exists to resource leaders of residential healing and healthcare initiatives.Russ is married to Roz and lives near Farnham, Surrey.

Neighboring: Love Where You Live with Dave Runyon

In this workshop we will dig deeper into the Art of Neighboring and discuss best practices and obstacles to connecting with our literal neighbors. We will cover questions such as: How do you find time to do this? What if my neighbors are sketchy? Do my motives matter? What about us introverts? How do I talk about Jesus without seeming weird? And much more!

(Learn more about Dave above.)

Mission INSITE Part 2; Won’t You be My Neighbor? with the Revs. Gary Beson and Tyler Prescott

As church communities, we are typically eager to love our neighbors but often unsure how to begin! Join us for a conversation to consider how “old” churches can engage “new” neighbors. Facilitated by the Revs. Gary Beson and Tyler Prescott, the leadership from St. John’s, Florence and St. John, John’s Island will share how they are using MissionInsite and personal relationships to be good neighbors in their communities. Opportunities for reaching new and growing demographics will be discussed. Ample time for some practical Q and A will be provided.

The Rev. Gary Beson is the Vicar of St. Timothy’s, Cane Bay and is the go-to resource for church planting resources in our Diocese. Gary is married to Sue, and they have three grown children, and a new grandchild on the way.

The Rev. Tyler Prescott has served as Associate Rector at St. Paul’s, Summerville for eight years. Prior to receiving his MDiv from Trinity School for Ministry, he worked in Charleston as a structural engineer for six years. Tyler and his wife, Lanier, have seven children ages fourteen to eighteen months. In his free time, Tyler likes to….who are we kidding, Tyler doesn’t have any free time!
