Susan Yates to Lead Women’s Retreat in October

Women's Retreat Poster

Note: This retreat is now SOLD OUT.

To put your name on a wait list contact Mary Kauser 843-814-4035

They are Upon rising the other morning, I couldn’t help but hum the beautiful old hymn “Face to Face with Christ My Savior.” Right now, there seems to be a hunger in our hearts, not only to see Him face to face but, after the last four months of “Sheltering at Home,” to see one another! Live streaming, FaceTime, and Zoom are all fine, but nothing beats face to face! We know so well the many wonderful, powerful things that happen when we are present together. We miss seeing, hearing, smiling, laughing, praying, crying and altogether just enjoying God and one another.

For some, these months of slowing down have allowed us the time and opportunity to draw closer to God and connect in a deeper way with our neighbors, but perhaps in this time God has revealed things we’ve “done and not done” that aren’t pleasing to Him. We hear reports of marriages going through economic and emotional stress. The loss or reduction of income has raised tension in the home. Both teachers and parents have had to wade into the uncharted waters of schooling children at home. Children and seniors are missing their friends and normal activities. Reflecting on these makes us ask ourselves, “Have I really learned how to trust and love God and my neighbors?” Thankfully, God, through others, sends His whispers of grace and healing as we seek Him.

Board Says, “Let’s Do It!”

By His grace and with that hunger in our mind, the Anglican Women’s Board wants to say…. “let’s do it!” Let’s face our fears of getting sick, be wise and appropriate with our distancing and masks, and let’s get together! St. Christopher, at this time, is willing to open its doors to the first 80 who register to lodge on campus and to the first 20 to register as one day or full-time commuters.

Susan Yates our Speaker

The whisperers of His grace have lined up with faith. Our keynoter this year, Susan Alexander Yates, is a mom to five children (including a set of twins) and grandmother to 21 (including a set of quadruplets!). She and her husband, John, have been married 50 years plus. Susan is an author of 16 books and speaks on the subjects of marriage, parenting, faith and women’s issues.

Q&A Panel Lunch for All and Luncheon for Young Moms with Susan Yates and Allison Lawrence

In addition to the main teachings, she will have a special lunch on Saturday with moms of young children to freely share and answer any questions on their hearts. We plan to have a Q and A Panel with Susan and our beloved, Allison Lawrence, whose daughter Chelsea will be our appointed and anointed Worship Leader for the weekend. Can’t get enough of that Lawrence clan!

Mentoring with Jayne Gurley

Jayne Gurley, who spoke to us at the Virtual Annual Gathering, will be hosting a wonderful workshop on women discipling or mentoring younger women. We will have our vision enlarged on how to carry out the directive in Titus 2:3,4 of the older women teaching the younger women.

Soaking Prayer with The Rev. Sandi Kerner

The Rev. Dr. Sandi Kerner, the Director of Programs at St. Christopher, will be our Chaplain for the weekend, leading Soaking Prayer and offering Eucharist on Sunday morning.

We covet your prayers that the upcoming retreat will not only be a whisper but more a strong tropical breeze with His Spirit, His Word and the fellowship providing us a way of “Finding Shelter in Times of Uncertainty.”

An Invitation from Susan Yates

Susan YatesThe “new” normal is no longer new. It’s very old. The news overwhelms us with pandemic fears, riots, protests, rumors of foreign and national conspiracies, natural disasters, and… until we are thoroughly depressed. Then there’s our family. We are tired of one another. Tired of being cooped up with ever present toddlers or mad teenagers. Tired of trying to work from home with so many interruptions. Tired of our spouse. Tired of loneliness. Tired of our selves.

We have no idea what tomorrow will bring. Uncertainty becomes a breeding ground for fear.

Scary thoughts of “What if..” plague us.

In this time of uncertainty we long for a safe harbor, a shelter. We want to trust God but it’s so hard. How do we get to the place in which our issues and fears are seen from the perspective of God’s shelter? Come join us as we find fresh eyes to see how our Almighty Father God wants to provide for us and encourage us in this difficult season.
