Payment Voucher
Download Payment Voucher form: Payment Voucher Form
Payment Voucher Instructions
For Department Heads, Committee or Event Chairpersons, Staff, and others who need to get a bill paid to a third party vendor or individual for services rendered, please observe the following procedures for requesting payment: Complete a Anglican Diocese of South Carolina Payment Voucher Form with the following information:
1. Invoice Number –use the invoice number on the invoice, or if there is no invoice (such as a payment to an individual), use the date of service as the invoice number.
2. Invoice Date, and Payment Due Date
3. Vendor Name and Address-Indicate who the check is to be made payable to.
4. If this invoice is for services performed by an individual (such as an honorarium, conference work, etc.) make sure you check the 1099 box and
furnish a social security number, as this is reportable income to the recipient.
5. Furnish the total amount to be paid and a complete description of the reason for payment.
6. Under Accounts Charged, provide the department and account number, including the name and the amount for each account, in case of more than one.
7. Sign the “Requested by” line. The department head or other authorized purchaser should make approval.
9. Always attach the ORIGINAL INVOICE. For internal control purposes, payment will not be made from statements or copies of invoices.
10. If you would like a copy of the voucher sent to the recipient (as in the case where there is no invoice), please furnish the original and a remittance copy.
11. Complete one voucher for each invoice submitted.
12. Do NOT use this form to reimburse expenses already paid by an individual. Instead, use the Expense Reimbursement Claim Form.
Reimbursement Form
Download Reimbursement Form: Reimbursement Claim Form
Payment Request Procedures
The Diocesan office cuts checks twice a month (15th & 30th), so any payment vouchers/reimbursement claims need to be received in the office at least 72 hours before these dates. If you would rather have payments deposited directly into a bank account, print and complete a copy of the authorization agreement for automatic deposits form, and return it to the diocesan office with a voided check.
The authorization agreement for automatic deposits form provides us with bank account info we’ll keep on file, so you may have money deposited directly into your bank account, rather than having a paper check cut and mailed.
Some individuals/vendors prefer direct deposit because these are processed weekly, and they do not have to wait until the 15th or 30th for a check to be mailed.
If you need to reimburse yourself or others for expenses incurred through diocesan travel, or purchases made for an event, program, or the office, please complete an Expense Reimbursement Claim Form. It is recommended that Expense Reimbursement Forms be submitted within a 30-day time frame, because no expenses over 60 days old from the date of occurrence will be reimbursed (diocesan policy).
Mileage Reimbursement
The Diocese uses the allowable IRS mileage reimbursement rate for miles driven by its employees, which, is $0.535 cents per mile. Churches are encouraged to do the same.