The Rev. Cindy Larsen
Grace Anglican Parish, Little River
9911 Highway 90 Little River, SC. 29566
The Rev. Cindy Larsen is the Vicar at Grace Anglican Parish in Little River. In 2019, she was elected to serve on the ADOSC delegation for the ACNA Provincial Assembly. More recently, she has served on Diocesan Council since 2020. Her term ends in 2023. Before coming to Grace Parish, she served for seven years as Principal at Bishop Ruhindi Theological College, Hoima, Uganda. During her time there, Rev Larsen used her background in architecture (B.S. Georgia Tech, 1975) to help design new buildings for the seminary; she also served as a delegate to GAFCON II, where she represented the Church of Uganda. Before heading to Africa, Rev Larsen was a Presbyterian pastor (ordained in 1989) and she served as an instructor and counselor at Asbury Seminary in Kentucky. She has two grown children and four grandchildren.