Pray for Younger Generations!

Praying Hands jlh

Would you add the following (or similar) prayer to your routine? Add it to the Prayers of the People weekly in worship and include it in prayers offered whenever groups in the church meet. Let’ support our younger folk.

Lord, we pray that the truth that has been entrusted to us and the lessons we have learned will not be hidden from the next generation. Grant us every grace we need to make known to our children, even the children yet unborn, the path that leads to life.

Make us a generation of parents, grandparents, and church members who will teach younger generations your ways and how to walk according to the truth, so that they might set their hope and confidence in you and not forget your good works. May we be a generation who brings good news to each successive generation so that all may know your truth and the gospel of grace. Amen

Generation Z who currently span our elementary schools through colleges are the least reached, least churched generation in America today! Only 4% have a biblical worldview. Nearly 1/3 say they have no trusted adults in their lives. 45% feel as if no-one understands them.

The gospels remind us that Jesus had compassion for the lost “because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” And he assures us “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” (Matthew 9:36–38)


By Dave Wright, Coordinator for Student Ministries, The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina
