Cookies for Kairos
Lieber Correctional Institution
“For I was hungry and you fed me… I was in prison, and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36
Whenever a Kairos weekend is held at Lieber, home-baked cookies are given to all 1,500 Lieber prisoners leting the entire prison population benefit from a Kairos weekend. For each weekend bring your cookies to Skardon Hall at St. Paul’s, Summerville by 9 a.m. on the Thursday the weekend begins. Also, keep the team and participants in prayer!
What is Kairos? The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to bring Christ’s love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition of becoming productive citizens. For inmates in the Kairos program, the recidivism rate is less than half.
Why Cookies? One of the many demonstrations of love offered during a three day weekend is an outpouring of cookies. 5,000 DOZEN cookies are distributed to the 1,500 prison residents, correctional officers and administrative staff. Included in each bag of cookies is a scripture message. Homemade cookies are a tangible and vital expression of Christ’s love and witness from the outside Christian Community.
Helpful guidelines:
• Home baked cookies only, 2” – 2 ½” in diameter. Pre-mixed dough is fine.
• Place cookies in sturdy boxes. Unused pizza boxes and shoe boxes work well.
• Cool before packing. Wax paper between layers if possible.
• Cookies may be frozen.
• Let your children/grandchildren help. Explain how God uses us to bring hope and kindness to those locked away from society, but not from God. Pray for those receiving your cookies.
Prison rules:
For more information on Kairos and cookie recipes, visit the following website:
• St. Paul’s Church, 111 Waring St., Summerville, SC 29483
• Or to a Kairos team member
• Preferably before 9:00 AM, the Thursday the Kairos begins.
• If necessary, cookies may be delivered to St. Paul’s (Skardon Hall), Tuesday or Wednesday.
If you are unable to bake, we welcome monetary contributions to help pay for supplies and food served during the weekend. Make checks payable to “Kairos of South Carolina.”
• Give checks to a Kairos team member
• Or mail to: Gray Thomas
106 Innisbrook Bend
Summerville, SC 29483-5083