In the 2013 Convention of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, we authorized the formation of an Anglicans for Life chapter in the Diocese and formalized our official teaching on the sanctity of life. The resolution is listed below.
Anglicans for Life Resolution
Whereas we are living in a time of increasing cultural confusion regarding issues of human life,
And whereas the “Declaration of Life Statement” (below) made by Anglicans for Life is consistent with the faith “once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3), the “doctrine, discipline, and worship of Christ as this Church has received them” (“Ordination of a Priest,” BCP p. 526) and the vision of Bishop Lawrence to “Make Biblical Anglicans for a Global Age,”
Be it resolved that this 222st Convention of the Diocese of SC endorses the “Declaration of Life Statement” from Anglicans for Life and
Be it further resolved that, recognizing the tragic dimension of all abortion and the call of Christ on his Church to show concern and compassion to all, we emphatically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection, or any reason of mere convenience and
Be it further resolved that, recognizing the economic, social, and emotional difficulties of a crisis pregnancy, we emphatically encourage the Church to be Christ-like in its witness, sharing the burdens and the joy of a family that chooses life and
Be it further resolved that the Diocese establish a Diocesan-wide Anglicans for Life chapter, which would include voluntary representation from every parish. The goal of which would be to organize and maintain a witness and ministry for life within the Diocese as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Anglicans for Life
Declaration of Life Statement
We believe God, and not man, is the creator of human life. Therefore, from conception to natural death we will protect and respect the sanctity of every human life. Furthermore, we recognize that the unjustified taking of life is sinful, but God gives absolution to those who ask for His forgiveness.
Sponsors – Clergy
The Rev. Karl Burns
The Very Rev. Craige Borrett
The Rev. Jason Collins
The Very Rev. Paul Fuener
The Rev. Shay Gaillard
The Rev. Tripp Jeffords
The Rev. Arthur Jenkins
The Rev. Canon Jim Lewis
The Rev. Mike Lumpkin
The Rev. Jeffrey Miller
The Rev. Andrew O’Dell
The Rev. Tyler Prescott
The Rev. Greg Smith
The Rev. Greg Snyder
The Very Rev. David Thurlow
Sponsors – Lay
Mr. Francis Allston, Christ-St. Paul’s, Yonges Island
Mrs. Virginia Bartels, St. James, James Island
Mr. Gerry Graves, Christ-St. Paul’s, Yonges Island
Mr. Terence Jenkins, Christ-St. Paul’s, Yonges Island
Mrs. Catherine Jones, Good Shepherd, Charleston
Maj. Bruce W Macdonald, St. James, James Island
Mrs. Lisa Newland, Christ-St. Paul’s, Yonges Island
Mr. Mark Prince, Good Shepherd, Charleston
Mr. Alan Runyan, St. Helena’s, Beaufort
Mrs. Fran Sanders, St. Helena’s, Beaufort
Mrs. Frances Tovey, Christ-St. Paul’s, Yonges Island