Ken Weldon Called to Lead St. Christopher

The Very Rev. Ken Weldon

Bishop Mark Lawrence has, upon the unanimous recommendation of the search committee, called the Very Rev. Ken Weldon to serve as the next Executive Director of St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center.

‘Boo’ (Weldon’s wife) and I are humbled to accept the call to St. Christopher, a place and ministry that has been so important to so many,” says Weldon. “We are grateful for the 14 years we have had at St. John’s, Florence, and excited to see what the Lord will do moving forward.”

The Very Rev. Karl Burns, who served as the chair of the search committee, said, “We’re excited not only because of the long history Ken and Boo have with the camp, but the ongoing relationships they have with the current staff and their passion and vision for moving forward. I have always thought of St. Christopher as the evangelical engine of the diocese and Ken shares that vision, as well.”

“The Board of Directors looks forward to working with Ken,” says Francis Mack, Chair of St. Christopher’s Board of Directors.  “We are facing challenging times, but Ken has been a longtime supporter of the camp and has numerous talents which will help us move forward.”

Weldon’s last Sunday at St. John’s will be May 1.  He will begin his responsibilities at St. Christopher the first part of May.

Posted: March 1, 2022
