GrandCamp 2024: Come on a Journey

Harris and Granddaughter

Come on a Journey: Follow Peter as he follows Jesus.

Dear GrandCamp Staff of 2024,

Just a short note of big THANKS for a delightful and meaningful week at the 11th SC GrandCamp! The camp was so well organized and planned, and the “Follow Me” theme was excellent: memory verses and all! My granddaughter Kate and I enjoyed the many intergenerational games and time we all spent together as well as the exciting evening activities.

I really enjoyed getting to see some familiar faces again and also meeting some wonderful new grandparents. Kate enjoyed making two new friends and having a bit more fun than just hanging with her “Nana”.

I feel that the skits performed by grandfathers playing Peter, James and John (Jesus’ closest friends) reinforced the Bible verses’ meaning by focusing on what was said by Jesus and how His words were received by the apostles, disciples and others. This visual re-enactment brought the word of God from the past to our present time, so we could learn how it speaks to us today! Indeed a wonderful example of the LIving Word of God throughout the ages.

The leadership, wonderful music, and great setting at Epworth by the Sea added a successful, well spent bonding time; so priceless for both grandchildren and their grandparents. Thursday evening’s service and special blessing time demonstrated God’s presence with us each day.

Thank you all for your hard work and dedication not only in preaching the Gospel and Jesus’ love, but making GrandCamp 2024 so very special for so many.
God bless you and I hope to see you again soon.
In His Love,
Diane Harris
