The Rev. Janet Echols Named Diocesan Director of Deacon Training
Bishop Mark Lawrence has appointed the Rev. Janet Echols, Rector of Saint Matthew’s, Fort Motte, to serve as the new Director of Deacon Training.
Echols comes with experience not only in teaching in theological settings but also with experience in recruiting teachers, building teams and developing educational programs. She taught Pastoral Theology for 3.5 years at Ridley Hall in Cambridge and ran the Perspectives course at Trinity School for Ministry in Pittsburgh. She taught public reading and worship at Union Biblical Seminary in India and also taught Cross Cultural Communication at Jeffery Seminary in Indonesia. While a full-time student at Trinity, Echols ran the Jan Term program and started the June Term program.
“I’m thrilled to be able to come alongside those preparing for ordained ministry,” says Echols. “The prospect energizes me! Some of my most rewarding times in ministry have been mentoring and pastoring men and women training to serve the Lord.”
Echols will step into the shoes vacated by the Rev. Canon Dr. Mike Malone. For the past 15 years, Canon Malone has overseen the transformation of more laity — men and women — to the Holy Order of Vocational Diaconate than anyone in the history of the diocese. Malone retired in 2020.