Doran to Lead Two Parishes

The Rev. Mary Ellen Doran

The Rev. Mary Ellen Doran, who, for the past year, has served as an Assistant at Church of our Saviour on John’s Island, has recently accepted a call to serve as the Rector of both St. David’s Church in Cheraw and St. Paul’s Church in Bennettsville. “While I am sad to be leaving Church of Our Saviour, I am excited to be a part of the plan God has for these two churches,” writes Doran in a letter to Church of our Saviour. Doran’s first Sunday in both churches will be July 29. The Rev. Karl Burns, Rector of Our Saviour, writes, “I could not be more proud of her (Mary Ellen) and I know she will be a huge blessing to those congregations. God has used Mary Ellen at Church of Our Saviour in some powerful ways, but He has also been preparing her for this call and to help build the Kingdom in Cheraw, Bennettsville, and beyond.” Keep Mary Ellen and her husband, Keith, as well as the two parishes in your prayers as they embark on this new season together.
