Taylor Daniel Appointed Anglican Campus Minister

The Rev. Taylor Daniel

As the new school year begins, the ADOSC is launching a new Anglican campus ministry at the College of Charleston! The Rev. Taylor Daniel has been called to plant this ministry, in partnership with the diocese and four downtown Charleston Anglican churches, St. Philip’s, St. Michael’s, St. John’s Chapel, and The Cathedral. “It’s a really exciting time to step out in faith and make our presence known on campus,” says Taylor. “All of the data across the country is clear – Christian faith is not flourishing in the campus environment. And it can! With our robust Anglican theological tradition, liturgical beauty, and global communion, we’re equipped to flourish in the marketplace of ideas and to be a means of community for college students. That’s the goal of this ministry.”

Taylor previously served in college  ministry with Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) prior to seminary. He is excited to get back into the business of discipleship on campus. “College is a really beautiful and formative time in people’s lives, and it’s critical that the Church has a prominent voice in that space,” he says. “In addition to joy, this stage comes with many challenges which need pastoral care even more than right answers. By investing on campus, we’re engaging in frontline missions in our own neighborhood and planting seeds for a healthy ACNA in the future. What’s more exciting than that?”

Please join us in thanking God for the launch of this new ministry, and include it in your prayers. There is something you can do, too! Please let us know of any students from your parish who are currently enrolled at, or who plan to attend, the College of Charleston by emailing Taylor at tdaniel@adosc.org or call him at (901) 413-7370.
