Care Packages for College Students

The following recently appeared in the Church of the Cross, Bluffton’s email newsletter:

This past August we, as a Church, prayed over and sent off a group of graduating seniors. Statistics reveal more than any time in our nation’s history young people are stepping away from the church in large numbers. What is interesting is they are not walking away from the faith but rather the church in general. There are a host of reasons, some are justified some not. I have never wanted one of their reasons to be because the church did not care or we forgot them once they moved away. Over the last several years I have worked hard to stay connected to those we raised in this fellowship, and watched them begin new lives in college or a new vocation.

This last month our Youth Pastor, Tim Edwards, designated a portion of his budget to send care packages to every college student associated with our church. Our hope is to do it in the spring as well. Last week the Drury family took on this huge task and put together 33 boxes consisting of gift cards, snacks, candy, and notes which were mailed this past Monday. Sometime this week each of them will receive a package that simply communicates that we love, miss and care for them. Remember your giving contributes to noble causes just like this. Thank you!

By The Rev. Jonathan Riddle, The Church of the Cross, Bluffton
