A seminar focused on the modern history and future of the Anglican movement will be convening in the New Year. Seven sessions are planned to start the seminar, and they will be held every two weeks starting February 3. The overall subject for the first six weeks will be: “What Did it Mean to be an Anglican in the _____ Century?”
The seventh week’s question will be: “What is God asking an Anglican to be in the Twenty First Century?”
The Rev. Dr. Jon C. Shuler, PhD will be the Convener. Papers will be given each session by Shuler, Sam Fornecker, Jady Koch, Hamilton Smith, Kendall Harmon, and Greg Smith. Those wishing to join the seminar will be asked to make a financial contribution to the global mission of NAMS, $50/ individual session or $250 for all seven. Each session will begin with a sack lunch at 12:30 and will conclude at 3:00pm. The location (TBA) will be in the Charleston area. Interested? Contact Jon.