Anglican Leaders to Gather October 3

Anglican leaders will gather in Charleston, SC on October 3 for “We are One in Christ,” a gathering hosted by the Diocese of South Carolina.  The gathering will begin at 6 p.m. with a light supper and be followed with brief presentations and time for conversation and interaction afterwards.

Our Guests will Include:

  • Bishop Probal Dutta, Bishop of Durgapur, Church of North India
  • The Rev. John Chol Daau, Episcopal Church of South Sudan
  • Bishop Daniel Wario Qampicha, Diocese of Marsabit, Kenya
  • Bishop Stephen Kaziimba, Diocese of Mityana, Uganda
  • Bishop Seth Ndayirukiye, Bishop of Matana, Burundi
  • Bishop Francis Matui, Bishop of Makueni, Kenya
  • Barnard Bisoke Balikenga, Provincial Youth Coordinator, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Bishop Johnson Gakumba, Diocese of Northern Uganda
  • The Rev. Fred Ochieng Onyango, Vicar, Emmanuel Church, Shaurimoyo Parish in the Anglican Diocese of Maseno South, Kisumu-Kenya
  • The Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye, Provost of All Saints Cathedral, Kampala, Uganda
  • Bishop George Kasangaki, Diocese of Masindi-Kitara, Uganda
  • Bishop Joseph Kibucwa, Diocese of Kirinyaga, Kenya
  • And more.

International Partnerships are Transformative

Our (International) partnerships have been one of the driving forces growing our church,” said the Rev. Gary Beson, speaking of St. Timothy’s relationship with the Rev. Fred Onyango, a priest serving in the Anglican Diocese of Maseno South in Kenya and the Rt. Rev. Qampicha Wario, Bishop of Marsabit in the Anglican Church of Kenya. It’s like Ruth and Esther: ‘your people will be my people; and your God my God.

I can’t imagine not having a relationship with someone from another part of the world, both for my sake and for the growth of our church. You have to be partnered with someone else in the world to keep from getting tunnel vision. It’s easy to sometimes think Jesus is only alive and well in the Diocese of South Carolina. Well, He is alive here, but he’s also alive in a million other places around the world.

The Rev. Gary Beson, Rector
St. Timothy’s, Cane Bay

We have been in an international partnership for the spread of the Gospel and care for God’s people in Northern Uganda for 10 years now. It has transformed our parish from one which was practically unaware of our Anglican brothers and sisters worldwide, to one energized and mutually encouraged by them. From a timid beginning, we now have a vibrant joy-filled, all-in, relationship which has been one of our greatest encouragements during the last seven years of legal wrangling with TEC. Involvement in global ministry does not allow us to focus on ourselves, our problems, our church, but instead launches us into God’s world, focusing on God’s plans, and fulfilling God’s desires. Once begun, we can never turn our backs again on our brothers and sisters throughout the world. What a blessing it is!

The Rev. Greg Snyder, Rector
St. John’s, Johns Island
