Building for Christ

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Building for Christ

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

Over the years the Building for Christ Fund has supported many unique and exciting projects and ministries.  In many of these projects the expectations of what would unfold were known well in advance.  I write now to share with you a recent benefit from your gifts to Building for Christ.  You may have read recently in one of our diocesan communications that at our recent Annual Convention we welcomed into the diocese as a new parish—Grace Church, Waccamaw.  It is a remarkable story of an Anglican Mission in America congregation which has chosen—post our departure from the “National” Episcopal Church—to become part of this diocese.  Just as remarkable is the fact that they and Christ the King, Waccamaw (CTK) a parish in the diocese on Pawleys Island have chosen to link up and then merge.  Frankly, one of the things that made this merger possible is the purchase of property by CTK not far from their present facilities and their renovation of a dilapidated building.  Perhaps you remember that Christ the King has received assistance in the past several years from the Building for Christ Fund in paying for this property.

No one would have thought that this investment in new property and the subsequent restoration of an old building on the site into a “community or ministry center” would be the means of a unique partnership in Christ for helping to bring not only a new “congregation” into the diocese but for a unique testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit to bring greater unity for gospel ministry and life in the Body of Christ on Pawleys Island!  How amazing it is that your gift and the gifts of others in this diocese through the Building for Christ Fund has in such an unanticipated way enabled this venture. Now each Sunday when the congregation of Christ the King—Grace, Waccamaw meets for worship in their church building on Highway 17, just a few blocks down the road the youth of the congregation meet in their restored “community center” for their worship and teaching.

So it is with renewed eagerness for what God will do in the coming months and years that I ask you once again to support our Building for Christ Fund.  Doubtlessly, there will be similar serendipitous unfoldings of God’s grace that He has in mind to show us as we each respond with generosity to this new opportunity to give.  Please know I am grateful for every gift given to this ministry regardless of how small or insignificant it may seem.

Yours in Christ,

The Right Reverend Mark J. Lawrence
Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina

For more information, please contact us either on-line, or by calling (843) 722-4075.

Download the Building for Christ Brochure.

May 1, 2014
