Task Force for Provincial Affiliation
The Task Force for Provincial Affiliation was formed to design and initiate a process whose goal will be to enable the Diocese and this Convention, along with their parishes, to discern among the options available for provincial affiliation, and in Convention, decide our means of affiliation.
Goal: to explore this matter and report back to Standing Committee and Diocesan Council as well as to the Diocesan Convention itself by early 2015. Bishop Mark Lawrence has appointed one priest and one lay representative from every deanery to serve on this Task Force:
• The Very Rev. Craige Borrett, Chairman & clergy representative from W. Charleston Deanery (Diocesan Council) (pictured left)
• Mr. Bruce McDonald lay representative from W. Charleston Deanery (Diocesan Council)
• The Very Rev. Peet Dickinson, from Charleston Deanery, ( Diocesan Council)
• Mrs. Boo Pennewill , lay representative from Charleston Deanery (Standing Committee)
• The Rev. Tripp Jeffords from Georgetown Deanery (Standing Committee)
• Mr. John Benson lay representative from Georgetown Deanery
• The Rev. Jeffrey Miller, from Beaufort Deanery
• Mrs. Karen Kusko lay representative from Beaufort Deanery (Standing Committee)
• The Very Rev. Ken Weldon, from Florence Deanery (Standing Committee)
• The Rev. John Foster, Florence—representative from Florence Deanery and the Diaconal Order
• The Very Rev. David Thurlow, from Orangeburg Deanery (Diocesan Council)
• Mr. Julius (Pinckney) Thompson, lay representative from Orangeburg Deanery
The Task Force for Provincial Affliation was formed following the passage of resolution R-2 at the 223rd Diocesan Convention held in March of 2014.
R-2 Discernment of Provincial Affiliation
Jointly presented by Diocesan Council and the Standing Committee
Be it resolved that the Bishop be asked to appoint a joint committee, to include members of the Diocesan Council and Standing Committee, whose task is to design and initiate a process whose goal will be to enable the Diocese and this Convention, along with their parishes, to discern among the options available for provincial affiliation, and in Convention, decide our means of affiliation and,
Be it further resolved that this committee shall be organized to begin its work by Pentecost 2014
Be it finally resolved that the committee shall report its progress to the regular meetings of the Diocesan Council and Standing Committee, with a final report to be presented at the next gathering of the Diocesan Convention.