Members of the Anglican Missional Partnership Committee

 The purpose of the committee for Anglican Missional Partnerships is to create and develop strategic missional partnerships throughout the Anglican Communion, carried out by every congregation of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina.


One primary goal is that, “Every congregation is to be in a strategic and missional relationship.”


August 2017

Bishop of South Carolina
Mark Lawrence

AMP Coordinator
Kendall Harmon
Diocesan Staff

AMP Chair
Janet Echols
St. Matthew’s, Fort Motte

Member at Large
Bob Lawrence
St. Christopher Camp & Conference Center

Charleston Clergy
Chris Warner
Holy Cross, Sullivan’s Island

Charleston Lay
Lisa Holland
St. Michael’s, Charleston

West Charleston Clergy
Roger Griffin
Church of the Good Shepherd, Charleston

West Charleston Lay

Beaufort Clergy
Kathie Phillips
St. Luke’s, Hilton Head

Beaufort Lay
Don Hurst
Church of the Cross, Bluffton

Georgetown Clergy
Rags Coxe
Prince George Winyah, Georgetown

Georgetown Lay
Sue Harrison
St. Paul’s, Conway

Orangeburg Clergy
Janet Echols
St. Matthew’s, Fort Motte

Orangeburg Lay
Chuck Milliken
Redeemer, Orangeburg

Florence Clergy
Marcus Kaiser
Holy Comforter, Sumter

Florence Lay
Sam Dargan
St. Matthew’s, Darlington
