This article was originally shared December 2019.
Men of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, if you would like to create an inspired, quarterly gathering, let me highlight just one example in our diocese available for modeling in your church. Peter Rothermel and I attended Christ St. Paul’s second “Mini Men’s Conference” on Saturday, November 16, and I ask you to consider this one.
Where to start? Well, that is an easy question to answer: breakfast! Men’s ministry leaders have known for centuries we can reach men spiritually through their stomachs—and what a breakfast that was. Just use your culinary creativeness and always include bacon.
Following breakfast, their worship group cranked us all up with two terrific songs. Then we moved into the heart and soul of the gathering: coming together as men of faith to hear a powerful testimony and word of insight and challenge.
Beaufort Drum brought his testimony, which was powerful in itself, then the word of insight and challenge was presented by the Rev. Rob Sturdy, Chaplain to Anglican Cadets and Pastor at St. Alban’s Chapel at the Citadel.
Rob, who will serve as our 2020 Christian Men’s Conference leader, February 23 and 24, at St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center, gave us an inspired overview of the talks he will be giving on our theme of “The Father’s Blessing.” The core of his message: “Men, we have wrongly been led to believe that masculinity has to be acquired or earned. The truth is that our masculinity is a gift from God.” After hearing Rob’s message, 39 of the 40 men present are now registered for the Christian Men’s Conference! Oh, and remember to invite your sons to attend.
The Men of Christ St. Paul’s are intentional about covering their gathering in prayer and beginning at 8:30 a.m. and ending at 10:30 a.m.
Let me repeat, we have some terrific men’s gathering models for you to consider. For more information on this model contact Les Sease:
By Jay Crouse, Diocesan Coordinator for Men’s Ministry