Provincial Assembly 2024
Saint Vincent College, 300 Fraser Purchase Road, Latrobe, PA 15650 June 25-28, 2024 Late Pricing: $600 until May 15 Registration includes meals starting with dinner, on June 25th, through breakfast and morning snacks on June 28th. Admission to all plenary sessions, breakouts, and events. More Information and Registration
Independence Day Holiday
Diocesan House will be closed to allow the staff to enjoy time with their families and friends as we celebrate Independence Day.
Cursillo #194
St. Christopher Camp and Conference CenterADOSC’s Night at the Riverdogs
Join us Friday, August 23rd for the annual Anglican Diocese of South Carolina's Night at the RiverDogs with Bishop Chip and Beth Edgar! The game begins at 7:05 pm. A block of seats in the covered upper deck along the first base line has been reserved. Each ticket is $9.00 (for adults or children), and … Continue reading ADOSC’s Night at the Riverdogs
Deacons’ Day
Cathedral of St. Luke & St. Paul 126 Coming Street, Charleston, SCBishop Edgar invites all Deacons and Deacons-In-Training to the annual Deacons' Day at The Cathedral on Saturday, September 21st. He will hold a program from 10:00 - 11:30 am in The Cathedral, followed by lunch in Wellbrock Hall. Please come and fellowship with your diaconal brothers and sisters and receive wisdom from our Bishop. Please … Continue reading Deacons’ Day
Ordination of The Rev. Collin Reed to the Priesthood
By the Grace of God and the Consent of the People, Bishop Chip Edgar, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina, will ordain The Rev. Collin Barrett Reed to the Sacred Order of Priests on Saturday, October 4, 2024 at 10 a.m. at St. Stephen's Church in Sewickley, PA. Having received his Master of … Continue reading Ordination of The Rev. Collin Reed to the Priesthood
Mondo Middle School Retreat
Save the date for ADOSC's Middle School Retreat : Mondo
Behold the Man: Greece Steps of Paul
The foundation of this Twelve-day men’s pilgrimage includes two essentials: The theological and biblical narratives of Greece, and the sacred Holy sites of Paul’s Journeys. The curriculum adds a unique, experiential, adventurous and challenging men’s spiritual retreat to the land of Jesus, as we together Behold the Man. View full travel brochure.
Communicators’ Photography Workshop
St. Paul's Anglican Church, Summerville 316 W Carolina Ave, Summerville, SC, United StatesDo you enjoy taking photographs of church events. Join with ADOSC Communicators and church photographers from around the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina for a hands-on workshop from 10-2 p.m. on October 24, 2024 at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Summerville. The event is being hosted by the ADOSC Communications Department with the goal of … Continue reading Communicators’ Photography Workshop
Investiture of Archbishop Steve Wood
Seacoast Church 750 Longpoint Road, Mt. Pleasant, United StatesOn Wednesday, October 30, 2024, you are invited to join others from around the Anglican Church in North America and the Anglican world for a special Service of the Investiture of Archbishop Steve Wood. This historic service, similar to a commissioning, will be held in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina (just outside of Charleston) at 6:30 … Continue reading Investiture of Archbishop Steve Wood
Regenerate High School Retreat
Save the date for ADOSC's High School Retreat : Regenerate
Clergy Retreat
Bonclarken Conference Center 500 Pine Drive, Flat Rock, NC, United StatesDear Fellow Clergy, Your Clergy Retreat Committee has planned one of the most exciting retreats ever! We will return to beautiful Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock, NC, surrounded by Western North Carolina's restful mountains. We will be welcoming The Very Revd Dr. Bryan Hollon as the Keynote Speaker. Single rooms for Monday and Tuesday … Continue reading Clergy Retreat